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Downloading Jars



Fetch a direct download link to a specific jar type with either the latest version or a specified one.

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of jars (servers, proxies, modded, etc..)
category String The category of jars (spigot, bukkit, paper, etc..)
version Version The version of the jar (For latest use 'latest' as version)

Latest Details



Fetch details on the latest jar for a type

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of jars (servers, proxies, modded, etc..)
category String The category of jars (spigot, bukkit, paper, etc..)

All Details



Fetch details on the all the jars for a type

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of jars (servers, proxies, modded, etc..)
category String The category of jars (spigot, bukkit, paper, etc..)
max Optional Integer The maximum amount of results to respond with. (Default: 5)

Jar Types



Fetch a list of the possible jar types.

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of jars (bedrock, proxies, servers, etc...).

Jar Details



Fetch the details of a single jar.

Parameter Type Description
category String The type of jars (servers, proxies, modded, etc..)
type String The category of jars (spigot, bukkit, paper, etc..)
version String The version of the jar